




Table of Contents (in-page links)


Obtaining TCL/tk
Obtaining Shen/tk
Installing Shen/tk
Exiting Shen/tk
Creating a Button in Shen/tk
Labels and Other Buttons
Entries and Textboxes
Dialog Windows
The Geometry Manager
The Web
The Event Loop
Low Level Communication to TCL/tk
Type Theory


Welcome to the support page for Shen/tk. Shen/tk is a portable interface between Shen and TCL/tk enabling Shen to support graphics. Shen/tk is designed to run irrespective of the hosting platform for Shen and assumes no instructions outside the Kλ instruction set.

In particular Shen/tk is designed to work within platforms which do not support threads and which cannot support background event loops. Shen/tk thus operates on an extremely minimal set of instructions.

In order to operate within these constraints Shen/tk uses files to transfer messages from Shen to TCL/tk. Users who want to experiment with port-specific solutions might want to swap out this arrangement which is found in the short (60 lines) file interface.shen in the Shen/tk download.

Shen/tk has been successfully tested under SBCL and Scheme. This implementation is still experimental so you might find this page changes.

Obtaining TCL/tk

In order to run Shen/tk you need to install TCL/tk. We recommend Active State TCL which is free for non-commercial applications.

Obtaining Shen/tk

This is bundled in the Standard Library found in the Download page.

Installing Shen/tk

When you download the Standard Library the README file in that download will tell you how to configure for Shen/tk. Here it is in brief.

Installing the Standard Library

Move the folder StLib to your Shen home directory. Enter Shen.

To install (cd "StLib") and type (load "install.shen"). If you can, save your image to an executable file - say shen-tk.exe. Exit.

Configuring for Shen/tk

In order to run Shen/tk you need to install TCL/tk. We recommend Active State TCL which is free for non-commercial applications.

1. Create two empty text files shen-to-tcl.txt and tcl-to-shen.txt in the home directory.
2. Now go to StLib and look in the file Tk/root.tcl. You will see two lines.

set in {C:/Users/shend/OneDrive/Desktop/Shen/S38.3/shen-to-tcl.txt}
set out {C:/Users/shend/OneDrive/Desktop/Shen/S38.3/tcl-to-shen.txt}

You need to change these paths to the paths appropriate to your installation.

3. In Windows create a batch file with the following contents.

 START \B shen-tk.exe
 C:\ActiveTcl\bin\wish.exe "C:\Users\shend\OneDrive\Desktop\Shen\S38.1\StLib\Tk\root.tcl"

The last line is appropriate to my computer; you will have to change it for your installation. Now click on the batch file and Shen/tk will open with a root window from TCL/tk.

Note that the root window cannot be killed without ending your connection to TCL/tk. This is not true of other windows. To exit cleanly without repercussions type (tk.exit) to the REPL.

4. To test under type checking. Enter

(tc +)
(tk.types +)
(tk.widget .b button)
(tk.pack [.b])
(tk.putw .b -text "Hello World")
(tk.putw .b -command (freeze (pr "Hello World")))

Clicking the button should print 'Hello World'. The file test.shen in the folder Tk contains more examples.

Exiting Shen/tk

When you call up Shen/tk, a TCL event loop is run in the background. When you exit Shen/tk this program still continues to run in the background. This means that if you enter Shen/tk again, the old program will still be running and it will eat your input. So before killing the Tk window and Shen, make sure you kill the background TCL process by (tk.exit). If you do not you will have to kill the process in the task manager.

Creating a Button In Shen/tk

The basic command for creating a widget is as follows.

(tk.widget <name> <type> <options>)

Here is an example.

(tk.widget .b button)

This specifies a button called .b. Nothing appears in the root window because the button has to be packed.

(tk.pack [.b])

The button appears but with nothing on it. A basic command for adding features to a widget is

(tk.putw <name> <attribute> <value>)

Here is an example.

(tk.putw .b -text "Hello World")

This says that the -text attribute that shows the text on the button is to be set to "Hello World". When this is done you will see this text appears on the button. You could have done this in one step by using the options in the widget function.

(tk.widget .b button -text "Hello World")

achieves the same result. Study TCL/tk to see the full list of attribute/value combinations.

Clicking on this button produces no result. A command has to be attached to the button. Try

(tk.putw .b -command (freeze (pr "Hello World ")))

If you click on this then nothing happens. However if you type


then 'Hello World' is printed off. tk.tcl->shen looks for an output from TCL/tl in the file tcl-to-shen.txt. If there is no input, then this function hangs, waiting until there is. If you enter (tk.tcl->shen) again then it hangs until you click the button.

Unless you are operating an event loop (see later), when you want to execute the result of clicking a button you need to invoke tk.tcl->shen. This is because clicking a button is an event initiated within TCL/tk and is not an event initiated within Shen. Many of the other commands listed below, are initiated within Shen, even though they request information from TCL/tk. Hence these commands do not require tk.tcl->shen.

Here are some other buttons.

(tk.widget .b1 button 
        -text "Drink Me" 
        -fg "green" 
        -bg "yellow" 
        -command (freeze (pr "I'm shrinking!")))
(tk.widget .b2 button 
        -text "Bang" 
        -height 100 
        -width 50 
        -command (freeze (pr "bang!")))
(tk.pack [.b1 .b2])

The function (tk.getw <name> <attribute>) will returns the value of an attribute; thus (tk.getw .b2 -text) returns "Bang".

You can find on the official TCL/tk site a list of attributes of buttons.

Labels and Other Buttons

Labels are like buttons except they do not sustain commands and are by default flat and not raised.

Other styles of button found in TCL/tk are checkbuttons and radiobuttons. Shen/tk 1.0 has not assimilated checkbutton or radiobuttons, but a fair facsimile to checkbuttons can be created using buttons.

(define mycheckbutton
  {symbol --> button}
  Widget -> (let Button  (tk.widget Widget button)
                 Relief  (tk.putw Button -relief sunken)
                 BG      (tk.putw Button -bg "white")
                 Text    (tk.putw Button -text " ")
                 Command (tk.putw Button -command (freeze (toggle Button)))
(define toggle
  {button --> string}
  Widget -> (if (= (tk.getw Widget -text) " ")
                (tk.putw Widget -text "X")
                (tk.putw Widget -text " ")))

Now we can create a checkbutton that toggles on and off. Under (tk.tcl->shen), when depressed an X appears and when released it disappears.

(mycheckbutton .b6)
(tk.pack [.b6])

Entries and Textboxes

An entry is a widget into which a single line of information can be entered (such as a name for instance). This creates an entry .e.

(tk.widget .e entry)
(tk.pack [.e])

If I type my name Mark Tarver into the entry then (tk.getw .e -text) will retrieve the value "Mark Tarver". I can change that value either by overtyping the contents of the entry or ordering Shen/tk to change the value e.g. (tk.putw .e -text "John Tarver").

You can find on the official TCL/tk site a list of attributes of entries.

A textbox is similar to an entry except it sustains multiple lines. This creates a textbox .t.

  (tk.widget .t text)
  (tk.pack [.t])

If I type my name Mark Tarver into the textbox then (tk.getw .t -text) will retrieve the value "Mark Tarver". I can change that value either by overtyping the contents of the textbox or ordering Shen/tk to change the value e.g. (tk.putw .t -text "John Tarver").

You can find on the official TCL/tk site a list of attributes of textboxes.


Images can be placed on buttons or labels and are created by the image command (image <name> <file> <options>). See here for a list of options for the image command. Here is an example.

  (tk.image shenlogo "C:/Users/shend/OneDrive/Desktop/Shen Website/logo3.gif")
  (tk.widget .l label -image shenlogo)
  (tk.pack [.l])


Fonts are created by the command command (tk.font <name> <options>). See here for a list of options for the font command. Here is an example.

  (tk.font mybigfont -family "Courier" -size 20)
  (tk.widget .l label -font mybigfont -text "Wow!")
  (tk.pack [.l])  

Dialog Windows

TCL/tk contains dialog windows which are pop-up windows designed for specific tasks such as:

  • Choosing files.
  • Choosing colours.
  • Giving warnings.
  • Giving choices.

The command (tk.openfile <options>) will open a dialog window that enables you to choose a file by clicking on it. When the file is chosen, the path to the file is returned. See here for a list of options to this dialog window.

The command (tk.savefile <options>) will open a dialog window that enables you to choose a file by clicking on it and will also offer an entry for you to type in a path. When the file or a path is typed in chosen, the path is returned. See here for a list of options to this dialog window.

The command (tk.opencolour <options>) will open a dialog window that enables you to choose a colour. When a colour is chosen a string containing the RGB values of the chosen colour is returned. See here for a list of options to this dialog window.

A message box is a dialog window that gives warnings or presents choices. The syntax is (tk.messagebox <options>). An example is (tk.messagebox -message <message>) where <message> is one of

  • abortretryignore
  • ok
  • okcancel
  • retrycancel
  • yesno
  • yesnocancel

Here are two examples.

(tk.messagebox -title "Overwrite?" 
                        -type yesnocancel 
                        -icon warning 
                        -message "Overwrite file?")
(tk.messagebox -type ok 
                        -title "Query Result" 
                        -message "Found 1000 matches")

The value returned is dependent, in most cases, on the user response.


Shen menus are a refabrication of TCL/tk menus to simplify their manipulation. The basic command is ( <name> <integer>) where <integer> is a positive whole number N. This command generates a menu with N buttons b1 ....bN. The buttons are blank and the programmer must supply details of how they appear using tk.putw.

( .mymenu 4) 

(tk.putw .mymenu.b1 -text "Selection 1")
(tk.putw .mymenu.b1 -command (freeze (pr "1")))

(tk.putw .mymenu.b2 -text "Selection 2")
(tk.putw .mymenu.b2 -command (freeze (pr "2")))

(tk.putw .mymenu.b3 -text "Selection 3")
(tk.putw .mymenu.b3 -command (freeze (pr "3")))

(tk.putw .mymenu.b4 -text "Selection 4")
(tk.putw .mymenu.b4 -command (freeze (pr "4")))


The command (tk.widget <canvasname> canvas <options>) creates a canvas which allows shapes to be drawn. You can find on the official TCL/tk site a list of attributes of canvases.

The basic command for drawing shapes on a canvas is (tk.draw <canvasname> <shape> <coordinates> <options>). Amongst the choices for shapes are:

  • line
  • arc
  • rectangle
  • oval
  • polygon

This reference gives the list of shapes and attributes.

<coordinates> is a list of Cartesian coordinates given as natural numbers. In the case of lines this list will be an even list of more than two coordinates giving the origin of a line and its destination(s). Note that TCL/tk takes the 0 0 origin as marking the top left of the canvas rather than the bottom left.

These commands create a canvas with a line and an arc.

(tk.widget .c canvas -height 200 -width 200)
(tk.pack [.c])
(tk.draw .c line [0 0 100 100 150 105])
(tk.draw .c arc [10 20 50 50] -fill maroon)


All the examples so far have used the root window. However the root window may be used in other applications; for example to provide an IDE for Shen/tk. (tk.widget .w window) will create a new window. (tk.widget .w.b button) and (tk.pack [.w.b]) will create and pack a button onto the window. Notice the use of the composite name .w.b to signal that the widget is part of the window .w. Windows other than the root window can be closed without problem.

The list of windows attributes can be found here.

The Geometry Manager

The basic facilities for arranging widgets in a window are given by tk.pack and grid. The syntax is (tk.pack <widgets> <options>) and (tk.grid <list of lists of widgets> <options>). The full list of options for tk.pack is given here and for grid here.

The grid command receives a list [L1 ...Ln] where

  1. each Li is a list of widgets
  2. for any Li and Lj the length of Li and Lj should be the same.

The widgets are then packed into a rectangular arrangment that reflects the structure of [L1 ...Ln]. Note that requirement 2. is optional but that when it is not met the packing is generally not optimal in appearance. Here are four buttons packed into a rectangular arrangement seperated in the x and y axes.

(tk.widget .b1 button -text "1")
(tk.widget .b2 button -text "2")
(tk.widget .b3 button -text "3")
(tk.widget .b4 button -text "4")
(tk.grid [[.b1 .b2] [.b3 .b4]] -padx 10 -pady 10)


A frame .f is created by the command (tk.widget .f frame <options>). Widgets can be packed into a frame just as in a window. A frame is then packed into a window. A frame therefore is a means of gluing together several widgets into a whole.

This example shows a frame .f1 that encloses two buttons, .f1.b1 and .f1.b2. The composite names show that these widgets are embedded in .f1. The frame shows an orange background. The buttons inside the frame are packed from left to right. The buttons outside the frame are packed without any packing specification and so they are packed from top to bottom.

  (tk.widget .f1 frame -relief groove -borderwidth 10 -background orange)
  (tk.widget .f1.b1 button -text "Inside frame f1")
  (tk.widget .f1.b2 button -text "Also inside frame f1")
  (tk.pack [.f1.b1 .f1.b2] -side left)
  (tk.pack [.f1])
  (tk.widget .b1 button -text "Outside frame f1")
  (tk.widget .b2 button -text "Also outside frame f1")
  (tk.pack [.b1 .b2])

The attributes of frames are given here


tk.unpack unpacks a widget, so that (tk.unpack [.b1 .b2]) will remove widgets .b1 .b2 from the window.

The Web

(tk.url <url>) returns the contents of a web page as designated by it's URL which is encased in a string. These contents are returned as a list of code points (integers). The type of url is string --> (list number).

  (tk.url "")
  [60 104 116 109 108 62 13 10 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 ... etc] : (list number)

There are are several utility functions designed to work with tk.url . tk.url->text of type (list number) --> (list string) will return the text component of the url output, removing the HTML markup. As shown below, this is not 100% effective since (e.g.) scripting language commands may enter the result but it eliminates more than 95% of the markup.

  (time (let ASCII (tk.url "")
                  Text   (tk.url->text ASCII)

run time: 0.13999998569488525 secs
["The" "Shen" "Group" "var" "sc" "_" "project" "=" "12669375" ";" "var" "sc" "_" "invisible" "=" "1" ";" 
"var" "sc" "_" "security" "=" """ "a31d15ef" """ ";" "&" "nbsp" ";" "The" "Shen" "Group" "&" "nbsp" ";" 
"&" "nbsp" ";" "Home" "Learn" "Download" "Community" "Open" "Science" "Donate" "Contact" "Our" "mission" 
"is" "to" "bring" "the" "power" "of" "Shen" "technology" "to" "every" "major" "programming" "platform" 
"used" "by" "industry" "and" "deliver" "to" "programmers" "the" "great" "power" "of" "Shen" "." "The" 
"word" "'" "Shen" "'" "means" "'" "highest" "spirit" "'" "in" "Chinese" "and" "indicates" "our" "goal" 
"is" "to" "transcend" "the" "divisions" "between" "computer" "languages" "." "Since" "2021" "Shen" "has" 
"been" "based" "on" "the" "S" "series" "kernels" "." "Features" "pattern" "matching" "," "lambda" "calculus" 
"consistency" "," "macros" "for" "defining" "domain" "specific" "languages" "," "optional" "lazy" 
"evaluation" "," "static" "type" "checking" "based" "on" "sequent" "calculus" "," "one" "of" "the" "most" 
"powerful" "systems" "for" "typing" "in" "functional" "programming" "," "an" "integrated" "fully" 
"functional" "Prolog" "," "an" "inbuilt" "compiler" "-" "compiler" "," "a" "BSD" "kernel" "under" "15" 
"languages" "(" "Lisp" "," "Python" "," "Javascript" "," "C" "." "." "." ")" "and" "operating" "systems" 
"(" "Windows" "," "Linux" "," "OS" "/" "X" ")" "," "is" "extensively" "documented" "in" "a" "book" "has" 
... etc] : (list string)

The function tk.sentences of type (list string) --> number --> (list (list string)) takes the output of url->text and organises it into a list of sentences, where a sentence is a list of strings. The numeric input to sentences is a natural number which limits the length of a sentence. sentences is often quite effective at eliminating the remaining junk left behind by url->text .

  (time (let ASCII          (tk.url "")
                 Text            (tk.url->text ASCII)
                 Sentences (tk.text->sentences Text 50)
run time: 0.20300006866455078 secs

[["SuggestedEditSession" """ "]" ";" "(" "RLQ" "=" "window"] 
 ["For" "the" "district" "," "see" "City" "of" "Leeds"] 
 ["For" "other" "uses" "," "see" "Leeds" "(" "disambiguation" ")"] 
 ["It" "is" "the" "largest" "settlement" "in" "Yorkshire" "and" "the" "administrative" "centre" "of" 
 "the" "City" "of" "Leeds" "Metropolitan" "Borough" "," "which" "is" "the" "second" "most" "populous" 
 "district" "in" "the" "United" "Kingdom"] ["It" "is" "built" "around" "the" "River" "Aire" "and" 
 "is" "in" "the" "eastern" "foothills" "of" "the" "Pennines"] ["The" "city" "was" "a" "small" "manorial" 
 "borough" "in" "the" "13th" "century" "and" "a" "market" "town" "in" "the" "16th" "century"] 
 ["An" "inhabitant" "of" "Leeds" "is" "locally" "known" "as" "a" "Loiner" "," "a" "word" "of" 
 "uncertain" "origin" "." "&" "#" "91" ";" "23" "&" "#" "93" ";" "The" "term" "Leodensian" "is" 
 "also" "used" "," "from" "the" "city" "'" "s" "Latin" "name"] ["Economic" "development" 
 "[" "edit" "]" "The" "Leeds" "and" "Liverpool" "Canal" "at" "Granary" "Wharf" "The" "Leeds" 
 "Corn" "Exchange" "opened" "in" "1864"] ["Leeds" "developed" "as" "a" "market" "town" "in" "the" 
 "Middle" "Ages" "as" "part" "of" "the" "local" "agricultural" "economy"] ["The" "new" "charter" 
 "incorporated" "the" "entire" "parish" "," "including" "all" "eleven" "townships" "," "as" "the" 
 "Borough" "of" "Leeds" "and" "withdrew" "the" "earlier" "charter"]  ... etc] : (list (list string))

tk.links of type (list number) --> (list string) will return the list of hyperlinks found in the url output.

  (time (tk.links (tk.url "")))

run time: 0.07799983024597168 secs
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" " 
" "] : (list string)

The Event Loop

The 0-place function tk.event-loop creates an event loop in which Shen/tk waits to receive commands from TCL/tk. With the event loop activated tk.tcl->shen is not needed for button-driven events to be detected. Note that widgets such as message boxes that receive information from TCL/tk are not affected by the existence of the event loop since they temporarily suspend its action in order to prevent the data being consumed. An error, whether originating from a message from TCL/tk or arising from Shen code, will cause the loop to be broken and exit to occur.

The following program creates two buttons and enters the event loop. Clicking on .hello causes hello world to be printed. clicking on .abort causes the event loop to be broken.

 (tk.widget .hello -text "Hello World" -command (freeze (output "hello world~%")))
 (tk.widget .abort -text "Abort" -command (freeze (error "aborted")))
 (tk.pack [.hello .abort])

Low Level Communication to TCL/tk

Shen/tk in its current incarnation (1.0, May 2024) does not subsume all of TCL/tk. For example scrollbars are not yet covered. It is possible to communicate directly to TCL/tk at a low level by the tk.shen->tcl function that takes a string as an argument. The string will contain the TCL/tk command. Note that any variable set in this command will be treated as local to the event loop unless declared as global in the command itself.

Type Theory

Shen/tk has a type theory tk which is by default precluded. It is contained in the files package.shen and types.shen in the download. The command (tk-types +) enables the datatypes in types.shen and (tk-types -) precludes them.


The support page for Shen/tk - a type secure platform portable interface to TCL/tk.


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THORN Theorem prover derived from HORN clause logic is available.


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Built by Shen Technology (c) Mark Tarver, September 2021